Last week I made Apple Butter Jam with Grandma. It takes a long time to get that done. Today we made apple sauce.
Last week she showed me an egg that one of her leghorn pullets laid. My chickens won't lay for a couple of weeks yet because of the breed.
This past week Dad has been busy combining. He is finished with wet corn and is now on beans.
On Wednesdays Fred gets to spend time with Grandma. For the last couple of weeks he has been helping her pick up apples and feeding them to the cattle. So he's been driving Grandma around on the four-wheeler.
Saturday night we came home late. I went to go close up the chicken coop. When I stepped on the floor I heard some cracks beneath my feet. I looked down and there was shattered glass all over. I picked up some pieces but today I cleaned it up. It was a light bulb that was on the shelf.