Friday, July 17, 2015

Butchering Day

This morning starting at 9 a.m., we butchered 5 broilers, 2 of mine and 3 of Grandma's .  Tomorrow afternoon we will package them and on Monday morning we'll start butchering again. 

Load'er up!
Fred and I grabbed a cage from the machine shed and placed it in the Big Red.  I only had 2 broilers to butcher because the others died from the heat last weekend.  The broiler with the bad leg was easy to grab, but I had to chase the other one around the coop until I got it pinned to the wall.

I'm cuddling the broiler before I put it in the cage.

Ready to go! Fred volunteered to ride with the chickens to the farm.

When we arrived at the farm, Grandma was finishing up her broilers.  While we were waiting Fred snatched the camera and took a picture of me without me knowing. 

When Grandma was ready I went to the cage and picked up the bad-legged broiler and handed it to Grandma.

Grandma placing the legs and wings in a certain way in her hand.

Chop! There goes the first broiler! It got hung on the fence.

The 2nd broiler ready to go.

Cleaning Chickens

While cleaning chickens one of the hired men was building a higher fence for Grandma so her chickens wouldn't be hopping over.  Uncle Darrell and my Dad were helping out a little too.  

For the first time ever, Grandma actually taught me how to clean a chicken.  It was an interesting experience.

Grandma showed me where to put the first slit in the skin so I could pull it off.

I pulled,

and pulled,

and REALLY pulled.

Once the skin, feathers, wings and feet were completely off, it was time for the innards.  Grandma cut open the chicken and picked off the excess feathers that I missed.  I pulled out the intestines and the lungs.  For some reason the left lung was really hard to get.  It took me a few minutes to get it out on the first chicken, and on the 2nd chicken I couldn't even get it.

Grandma's banty rooster was crowing the whole time we were butchering.

Beatrice served as my camera lady, and also washing the chickens. Here's the one with the bad leg.  I don't know how we are going to get it into the roasting pan.

We're All Done!
 My 2 broilers are all cleaned up to be refrigerated overnight. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Red Hens...Now a Red Roost

This week I primed and painted my chicken coop.  It looks great on the outside...but, inside the red paint absorbs the heat from the sun, so temps have risen for the old hens . 

The old hens head outside and cool off in the shade next to their newly painted home.

The broilers get a big fan to cool them off because they are pretty heavy.  
They get butchered Friday morning.  

 A couple of curious hens staring at the camera.  I have one who thinks I'm a jungle gym.  She immediately jumps on my back and soon as I bend over to pick up their water or feeder.